Al Sharqyia School
Operational Hours
Sunday : 7:30 AM To 2:00 PM || Monday : 7:30 AM To 2:00 PM || Tuesday : 7:30 AM To 2:00 PM || Wednesday : 7:30 AM To 2:00 PM || Thursday : 7:30 AM To 2:00 PM || Friday : Day Off || Saturday : Day OffDescription
Welcome to AlSharqyia School, Bahrain
The journey of AlSharqyia School had begun in the year 2011 having the enrolls of merely 4 students. The institution got an approval from the Ministry of Education to run it in British Curriculum from grades 1-3, it was a humble beginning that led the institution out to have more learners to cater.
Having a passion in teaching and dedicated educators, the number of students grew, from its primary level until it reached to senior level. now the school has a total population of six hundred plus students in all levels.
AlSharqyia School believes in three R’s - “Respect, Responsibility and Resourcefulness”
Welcome to AlSharqyia School, where educational and social development go hand in hand. Our tailored focus on academics and the whole child means that every child will find a happy home here.
In AlSharqyia School, we believe in…
UNIQUENESS: Each child is unique who requires a secure, caring and stimulating educational environment where growth and maturity are achieved emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially.
FACILITATING: Teachers are facilitators, providing access to information rather than acting as the primary source of information.
SELF- DISCOVERY: For learners to construct knowledge, they need the avenues to discover for themselves, and practice skills in authentic opportunities.
RELEVANCE: Learners need to study things that are meaningful, purposeful and applicable to their lives and interests.
COLLABORATION: Open sharing of ideas and democratic approach to discipline are integral to developing a deep love and respect for learners, others and their environment.
FREE EXPRESSION: Learners need to be heard but within the confines of logic and reason, in an environment where they are free to express themselves.
CONTINUOUS LEARNING: Learning is a never-ending process and is not confined to the walls of the classroom.
Our Vision
AlSharqyia School, where learners are empowered and fostered by competent faculty and staff, is dedicated in producing individuals who will be of service to the Kingdom of Bahrain
Our Mission
To develop learners with active and creative minds, a sense of understanding and compassion for others, and the courage to act on their beliefs. We stress the total development of each child: spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical
At the Eastern School, we have one underlying aim which results from our school’s mission and vision statements, namely:
To provide a stable, happy, stimulating and challenging environment in an atmosphere where cultural and religious diversity permeate through all aspects of school life; where everyone is valued and encouraged to strive for the highest standards in order to fulfill their ability and potential.
To achieve this, we:
- Strive to create a caring, tolerant atmosphere which will permeate the lives of the children and stimulate their social growth in conjunction with their parents and the society;
- Create a safe and family atmosphere where all members of the school are nurtured and valued for their unique qualities so as to develop in individuals a positive attitude towards themselves with a strong sense of self-respect;
- Give learners a vision of all the positive opportunities and experiences life has to offer and to aid in equipping them with strategies for coping with life’s realities;
- Develop tolerance and empathy for others and a sense of respect for other people’s property, ideas and beliefs;
- Encourage the growth of independence, application, perseverance, self- discipline and initiative so that the children are prepared for the responsibilities of adult life;
- Offer a broad- based curriculum in order to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, promote curiosity and enjoyment in learning, and to provide knowledge and skills to equip learners for work and leisure as active, confident and responsible members of a rapidly developing society;
- Develop aesthetic awareness through ingenuity and the ability to appreciate beauty in all its forms;
- Give avenues for the development of physical skills and an enjoyment of participation in group and team activities;
- Develop positive attitudes towards, and concern for, the environment and society;
- Foster close relationships with the local community;
- Encourage a sense of moral responsibility and self- discipline appropriate to the stage of development of each individual child.
Curriculum Overview
A school’s curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that a school plans for its students. The two key aims for a school curriculum are to provide a balanced and broadly based curriculum that:
Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of students.
Prepares students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that our students develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to be confident, successful and independent individuals and members of society. We value academic excellence and we provide a learning environment in which all of our students can achieve their personal best, according to their abilities and talents.
Admission Process
- Submission of required documents. (Refer to required requirements for admission).
- Verification of student documents by admission in charge.
- Submission of registration form to admission department.
- Admission test will be given and conducted by admission in charge.
- Within a week, results of the admission test are declared.
- Enrollment shall occur after passing the admission test (If he/she gets a passing score of 60% in all subjects) .
- Principal’s approval.
- Approval from the Ministry of Private Education, Bahrain (from grade 2 – 12).
- Payment of admission and tuition fee in accounts department.
Contact our Dean of Admissions
Principal Monica Mathur
+973 17369009
Important Notes
Please call on the telephone number (17369009) regarding any absences or emergencies.
The school is not responsible for reminding the parents about the medical deadline.
The school is not responsible to call the parents in case the student forgets his stuff at home.
The school will calculate the times that the student has been late from 7:45 and school uniform violations, and will be applied to the list of student discipline issued by the Ministry of Education / Student Services Department.
Repeating school violations will lead to the suspension of the student.
Mobile phones will be confiscated off the student and will only be handed over to the parents.
Please pay attention to student’s official working hours. Parents should present a medical excuse in case of absence.
School uniform:
- Shirts should be selected according to the color selection found in House of Uniform. Hands size should be appropriate not short (girls).
- Veil and Sheila should be in black, gray, white, light pink, or navy.
- Winter jackets that are permitted to wear are black, gray, white, beige and navy.
- Shawls that are permitted to wear are black, gray, white, beige and navy.
- Colored lens are prohibited.
- Hairstyles and fashion exotic hairstyles are strictly prohibited. Hair should be tied at the back.
- Hair dyes are also prevented that are contrary to societal norms and habits.
- It is strictly forbidden to bring mobile phones and various kinds of audio recorders (iPads, iPods, cameras and latptops). Devices will be confiscated and will only be handed over to the parents.
- It is strictly forbidden to bring and put makeup (eyeliner, mascara, foundation, powder, shadow and lipsticks). The school also prevents nail polish and nail extensions.
- The school prohibit wearing accessories such as sunglasses and hats inside the school.
Uniform for boys:
- Light blue cotton shirt
- Gray trousers
- Gray Neck Tie
- Black shoes + white socks
Uniform for girls:
- Light pink formal shirt
- Gray trousers/skirt
- Gray Neck Tie
- Black shoes + white socks
Uniform for PE:
- Navy blue trousers
- White shoes + white socks
School gate:
School gate will close at 7:45, and student shall not be allowed to enter unless they are accompanied by guardian.
Students shall only be claimed by their parents (mother and father). They will not be given to the maid or driver unless an ID card is presented.
Medical appointments:
Students who have a medical appointment should attend school in advance and go through the exit procedure.
In case a student is absent, a medical excuse should be brought to the administration.
Class restrictions:
Students should have the teachers permission to leave the class (student out pass).
Rude behavior will not be tolerated in class.
Lessons, tests and examinations will not be given to the student if he/she is absent (unless their is a medical excuse).
Students should behave in decency during and after school hours.
School Bus
Monthly Fees : 35 BD
The school has partnered with ALWAJIH TRANSPORT to provide bus transportation for our students.

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