Alia National School
Operational Hours
Sunday : 7:00 AM To 3:00 AM || Monday : 7:00 AM To 3:00 AM || Tuesday : 7:00 AM To 3:00 AM || Wednesday : 7:00 AM To 3:00 AM || Thursday : 7:00 AM To 3:00 AM || Friday : Day Off || Saturday : Day OffDescription
Alia National School welcomes a balanced community of learners with a diverse range of cultural and educational backgrounds, talents, and abilities. The school admits students with exceptionally high ability, as well as a carefully managed number of students with diagnosed learning disabilities. The fact that we manage the student population in this way means that we may place students eligible for admission onto a waiting list or, where there appears to be no prospect of a place in the immediate future, decline an Application for Admission.
As a strong, welcoming, and inclusive community, we expect families to engage fully with the school, supporting both its educational philosophy and community activities. We also value transparent communications and constructive, respectful, personal, and professional interactions. On the rare occasions when the school believes that individuals are behaving in ways that do not correspond to these behaviors, we reserve the right to refuse admission or suggest withdrawal to the individuals concerned. Equally, failure to provide accurate information, or to disclose a known learning disability, may result in an admissions refusal or the subsequent removal of a place.
Alia National School has pioneered approaches to individualized student goal setting and sets high levels of challenge in order to sustain high levels of motivation and optimize student achievement. Based on the student’s academic experience and, where necessary, assessment tools, the school will determine grade placement and all other programme options in the best interest of the student.
Any student considered by the school to be capable of attempting the full IB Diploma will be encouraged and supported to do so. The decision as to whether a student is able to complete this course is made, in consultation with the family, at the end of grade 10 and will be based on academic achievement, language acquisition, demonstrated motivation, and learning support needs.
Alia’s curriculum is a developmental-based program concerned with the development of the whole child, emphasizing social, intellectual, emotional and physical growth. At Alia, the teachers carefully plan open-ended and child-directed activities and emphasis is placed on the value of play, learning environments and developmentally appropriate materials and activities. Our philosophy is that children learn through active and child-initiated play, through direct contact with concrete objects, through repeated positive experiences, and most of all, they learn through interactions with people who are important to them.
The mission of Alia National School, in cooperation with home and community, is to prepare students for responsible citizenship, lifelong-learning and productive employment by:
- Accepting individual differences.
- Let’s keep a smile on our faces.
- Identifying and addressing strengths/weaknesses, and engaging students in meaningful learning activities while Always working as a team.
Creating a Respectful and Peaceful School
Our students are very respectful. This leads to a peaceful school climate. Visitors to our school will frequently notice students demonstrating respectful mannerisms, greeting adults in our building and being courteous. As well, our building conveys a sense of warmth, generosity, and enthusiasm as children, parents, and staff are eager to smile and make all those who enter our school feel welcome.
Student Academic Success/Pride
We are committed to providing a safe, positive learning environment for our students. Our motto, Working Hard to Be Our Best!, suggests an important element of education. It reflects the effort we encourage each of our students to put into his or her learning.
We take pride in working hard to motivate each student to do his or her best. Our Staff is also dedicated to doing their best. Working together with students and parents, we strive to ensure that each individual student has the opportunity to develop to their full potential.
Community Engagement/Forging Strong Bonds
We believe in strong communication between the home and the school. Classroom newsletters, phone calls, and meeting and greeting parents within our building are ways that teachers communicate with families.
Early Childhood Education
We promote a solid foundation to early learning through our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programming. We have proudly implemented an Approach which encompasses a natural aspect of children at play and environmental learning.
At Alia School, children are seen as capable learners who construct their learning rather than have constant instruction. Their learning environment becomes an additional teacher.
Technology and Innovation
We offer an array of technological programming. We have digital projectors installed in all classrooms, as well as a computer lab in our Learning Resource Centre. Teachers and students also make use of iPads, school laptops, and student-owned devices to facilitate their learning.
Diversity and Cultural Responsiveness
We boast a diverse student population representing many different cultural groups. Our students, regardless of their cultural status, say they feel respected in our school. We ensure that every child feels accepted, loved and cared for. We aim to ensure that every child feels a good sense of cultural and familial belonging within our school climate.
Opportunities for Student Leadership
Our student leadership team provides students with opportunities to develop leadership skills by initiating and working on activities and special events for our student population.
Supporting all Learners
We have adopted and implemented Literacy for Life learning strategies so all students are engaged in reading, writing, processing, and representing literary concepts.
The Learning Support schedules, coordinates and connects teacher resources (manpower) and the students. The LSC supports programs for students in their educational goals, focusing on ensuring a child is placed on the register.
Evaluation of need for learning support
Pre Assessment into level of need from 1 (low,i.e. Supervised Homework Group) & above
Collection of availability and qualifications for learning support inside the faculty
Relaunch of referral system and introduction of a transparent quality process (individual support plan)
Fee Schedule

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