Capital School
Operational Hours
Sunday : 7:30 AM To 3:00 PM || Monday : 7:30 AM To 3:00 PM || Tuesday : 7:30 AM To 3:00 PM || Wednesday : 7:30 AM To 3:00 PM || Thursday : 7:30 AM To 3:00 PM || Friday : Day Off || Saturday : Day OffDescription
The Capital School Bahrain is based on a classic British Primary School set-up and will operate as such i.e offering a class/form structure within key stages of development, a National Curriculum including Early Year’s Foundation Stage whilst adhering to the requirements of the Bahrain Ministry of Education guidance on the teaching of Arabic and Islamic Classes.
Our teaching and learning approaches will reflect only the very best of British Primary School practice and will be contained within a modern learning environment which will be both stimulating and purposeful. We aim to reinforce family values and norms at all times which in turn will create an atmosphere of warmth and care, because we believe that a happy child is one who learns more effectively. Our school house system of Buckingham, Windsor, Kensington and Westminster will further serve to reinforce the notion of team spirit, co-operation and always giving your best unselfishly.
We will also align it with the highest of safeguarding standards demanded by the British Primary School inspectorate. The school is situated away from the roadside with a secure site which is strictly monitored 24/7. The new school is within the area of the Al Ahli Sports Complex which also provides us with excellent sports and swimming facilities that would be the envy of any school. We constantly work in close harmony with our sister school, Capital School Dubai, to ensure that we gain from the very best of shared expertise and resources and whilst maintaining collective standards of both progress and attainment in all subjects offered.
We are always keen to show children and their parents around the school. I am confident that the positive nurturing atmosphere we are creating will provide an excellent educational experience for your child.
English Language Requirements
English will be the medium of instruction, therefore a level of competence in English will be required. English language support will also be provided in order for children to benefit fully at the school. It is essential that all pupils at Early Years and Foundation Stage are fully toilet trained.
Information On Application
Upon application it is essential for parents to share all information regarding the pupils learning needs, including professional assessments. In exceptional circumstances conditional pupil places can be offered but would be subject to an evaluation period pending confirmation/or not of a permanent pupil place.
Additional Information
We seek to promote equal opportunities as we apply our regulations on admissions fairly and without prejudice. Adherence to our admissions policy will be strictly applied at all times and without exception.
Class Size
We aim to ensure that class sizes will not exceed 20 to 22 students in foundation stage 1 and 25 students throughout the rest of the school. It is possible that for very brief periods these class sizes may be exceeded if new students join a group during a school term.
Capital School is committed to providing an education of excellence that meets each pupil’s interests, abilities and needs within a common curriculum framework and reflects and promotes an understanding of, and appreciation for cultural / religious diversity within the Kingdom of Bahrain. Capital School challenges each student to develop intellectual independence, creativity, curiosity and a sense of responsibility toward others. The under philosophy being “Your best is always good enough”.
Educational Goals
- To establish stability in numbers of pupils within each year group, after two years of rapid expansion and growth.
- To get full accreditation from B.S.O. (British School Overseas) after three years in existence.
- To introduce the new “baseline assessment” process for our Foundation Stage in line with the English Department for Education Standards.
- To introduce (officially) the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 SATs tests on notification of B.S.O. standard.
- To use current internal and external (International Tests) data streams to set-up a robust tracking system which would feed into our end of Key Stage SARs predictions year on year.
- To secure year on year value added for all levels of ability. This most aim to show “Outstanding” progress over time as a cohort % along with differentiated level targets.
- To ensure that data streams on pupil’s progress and attainment are actively reflected in curriculum planning; school planning on well as teaching and learning outcomes.
- To ensure the quality of teaching and learning is “Outstanding” in all “Core” subjects and “Foundation” subjects.
- To work towards “Outstanding” levels of pupil evidence (in work books and display) in all subjects, particularly English despite 90% having English as an additional language.
- To “move the standards of teaching at all levels from Good with Outstanding features to “Outstanding.”
- To provide exemplars of good practice to other schools within the Kingdom of Bahrain. To formally engage members of the school’s governing board in the process of dynamic school building as curriculum delivery via working groups, reports, suggestions on ways forward.
- To maintain the excellent standards of pupil behaviour in all year groups.
- To maintain the excellent percentages of attendance and punctuality throughout the school, emphasing our philosophy of “Your Best is Always Good Enough”.
- Maintain the educational support from Parent + Guardian which clearly impact on standards.
- To grow as a school in terms of quality and provision, never forgetting that the individual child is as important as the group.
- That year on year we can clearly demonstrate our “Capacity for Improving” as we reflect, reverse and challenge weakness and built on over strengths.
- Greater detail for this year is contained within this year’s school development plan.
Admission Application
The application form must be completed fully and accurately and the parents’/legal guardian’s statement must be signed. All relevant information must be declared including details of disciplinary, social, physical, medical or psychological problems. If we learn that relevant information has not been revealed, any offer of a place will be withdrawn, even if your child has already begun to attend Capital School.
Applications from overseas are occasionally assessed using reports and often we call the child’s current school for further details.
Academic Assessment
Children who wish to join Capital School Bahrain needs to be tested for academic assessment and requires being physically present in the school on the scheduled date. In the case of the child being unavailable in Bahrain for assessment before the end of term, a “conditional offer” will be made. The assessment is then taken upon the child’s arrival in Bahrain just before the beginning of term.
Please note that a “conditional offer” is subject to a successful assessment result. For Years 1-7, tests of English, Math and General ability may be given, becoming more formal with the increase of age. For pupils joining us from Year 3 or above who are Arabic nationals, then an assessment of skills in the Arabic language may also be required. Reports from previous schools will be assessed, as will any academic examinations already taken. All pupils have to pay the assessment fees, whether or not they pass or fail the assessment (all fees will be
discussed later on this policy).
Supporting Documents Required
- Original Transfer Letter from pupil’s previous school
- Copy of school reports from the previous year of school
- Copy of pupil’s Birth Certificate (in English or Arabic)
- Copy of pupil’s Passport
- Copy of pupil’s residency visa
Offer of Places
The school will operate an admissions policy whereby pupils will be considered for admission into appropriate classes in the order in which their applications are received.
All applicants are required to sit and pass an academic assessment prior to being offered a place at Capital School.
Applications will be accepted from pupils with specific needs outside any mainstream needs will be considered on an individual basis. The School will only consider pupils whose emotional, social and learning needs can be met in order that they can access the curriculum and make satisfactory or better progress.
This includes those with:
- Mild and moderate hearing loss
- Partial vision
- Restricted mobility
- Difficulties with fine motor control
- Mild learning difficulties or delay.
The school cannot meet the needs of pupils who:
- Place the physical and emotional health, safety and welfare of themselves, and others, at risk due to their behaviour
- Are profoundly deaf, or totally blind
- Have severe behavioral problems
- Have degenerative medical conditions
- Are medically fragile
- Are incontinent
- Have no expressive or receptive language
- Are more than one year behind the expected developmental milestones for their age.
- Parents should notify the School immediately if they no longer wish to take up the place. The place may be allocated to another child if their child is not in attendance at the School by the end of the second week.
Waiting List
If any year the School receives more applications than there are places available, a waiting list will be created until three months after the admission date.
Parents will be notified that they have been put onto this waiting list at the time of application.
If the number of applications for admissions exceeds the number of available in any particular year, places will be allocated in accordance with the following criteria:
Pupils will be given priority if they have a sibling, or siblings, currently attending the School on the date of admission. The term ‘sibling’ means full, step, half, adopted or fostered brother or sister; it does not include cousins.
Payment Policies
- An Assessment fee of BHD 50 per child must accompany your application. This fee is NON-REFUNDABLE in ALL other circumstances once the assessment is completed.
- Following a successful assessment, an offer letter will be issued, and an invoice will be generated for the following fees and the parents requested to make the full payment in order to secure their child’s place at the School. If the payment is not done within seven (7) days from the date of offer, the offered place will be automatically cancelled.
1. Registration Fee BHD 100 (Non-Refundable).
2. Caution Deposit Fee BHD 200 (Refundable) - one-time payment, refundable at the time of leaving school. Any monies owed or damage caused by the pupil will be deductible.
3. Learning Support BHD 140, Stationery & Resource Fee BHD 60 (NonRefundable)
- to cover the cost of the child’s text, workbooks, stationery, resources and other online supports.
4. The first Term Fee as per class fee structure (Non-Refundable) as per table below.
Resource & Technology | Tuition Fees Only | Annual Fees | |||
Year Group |
Caution Deposit (BHD) |
Learning Support Fees |
Stationeries & Resources Fees |
Term - 1 | Term - 2 | Term - 3 |
Not including Caution Deposit |
FS 1 | 200 | 140 | 60 | 880 | 660 | 660 | 2400 |
FS 2 | 200 | 140 | 60 | 880 | 660 | 660 | 2400 |
Year 1 | 200 | 140 | 60 | 960 | 720 | 720 | 2600 |
Year 2 | 200 | 140 | 60 | 960 | 720 | 720 | 2600 |
Year 3 | 200 | 140 | 60 | 960 | 720 | 720 | 2600 |
Year 4 | 200 | 140 | 60 | 1040 | 780 | 780 | 2800 |
Year 5 | 200 | 140 | 60 | 1040 | 780 | 780 | 2800 |
Year 6 | 200 | 140 | 60 | 1040 | 780 | 780 | 2800 |
Year 7 | 200 | 140 | 60 | 1040 | 780 | 780 | 2800 |
Tuition fees should be paid termly. Firstly, Tuition fee invoices will be submitted two months before the payment due date and will be sent to the parents by email.
- If a child is scheduled to join the School even after the mid-term point, the assessment, registration, Caution deposit, Learning support, Stationery & resources and the full term’s Tuition fee will be payable.
- Fees must be paid in accordance with the invoice on or before the term fee due date.
- Two weeks before the invoice due date, a reminder email will be sent to the parents.
- One week before the invoice due date, second reminder email will be sent to the parents.
- Failure to pay the fees by the invoice due date, will result in an additional late charges fee of BHD 3 per day.
- The mobile application and parent’s portal access will be disabled automatically if fees are not been paid by the due date.
- Pupils are not permitted to sit any exams in case the fees are not settled by then.
- No pupil will be allowed to sit in the next term’s class without clearing previous term dues.
- One week after the invoice due date, a reminder email will be sent to the parents to remind the due fees to be paid within one week.
- If the fees are still not paid a warning email will be sent to the parents to not bring their child(ren) to the School until they clear the pending payments.
- With respect to persistent late / non payers, the School reserves the right, after the warning notice to cancel the place(s) allocated for the child(ren) and/or freeze issuance of report cards, and the matter will be referred to legal department for further actions.
- No Transfer Certificate will be issued until all dues are cleared.
Discounts on Tuition fee:
1. Sibling discount - The discounted rate will be based on the child’s age records; therefore, the younger sibling will be eligible to get the discounted rate. Please refer to the below sibling discount table.
1st Child | 2nd Child | 3rd Child | 4th Child | |
Two Child | Nil | 5% | - | - |
Three Child | Nil | 5% | 10% | - |
Four Child | Nil | 5% | 10% | 10% |
2. Lump sum Discount - A 5% discount will be granted to parents who will be paying the full 3 terms including all other fees prior to the commencement of the new academic year.
** please note that sibling and lump sum discount will be applicable on the Tuition fee ONLY.
Refund Policy:
Should you choose to remove your child from Capital School for any reason, you will receive the caution deposit (BD200) but NO other fees paid will be refunded.

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