Nadeen School
Operational Hours
Sunday : 7:30 AM To 2:00 PM || Monday : 7:30 AM To 2:00 PM || Tuesday : 7:30 AM To 2:00 PM || Wednesday : 7:30 AM To 2:00 PM || Thursday : 7:30 AM To 2:00 PM || Friday : Day Off || Saturday : Day OffDescription
Age range of students |
5 - 11 years |
Grades (e.g. 1 to 12) |
Primary |
Middle |
High |
Number of Students |
Boys |
150 |
Girls |
166 |
Total |
316 |
Students' social/economic background |
Mostly from middle to upper social backgrounds |
Number of Administrative Staff |
12 |
Number of Teaching Staff |
34 |
Curriculum |
English National Curriculum |
Main language(s) of instruction |
English |
External assessment and examinations |
National Curriculum Objectives |
We provide a caring, nurturing, and stimulating environment.
Nadeen School, established in 1978, has always been a holistic, child-centred, emotionally-driven school with a strong focus on academic and pastoral development. The 400 children from over 50 countries remain front and centre of every decision we make. Our initiatives are all centred around asking the question: “What is right for the child?” As the only non-selective outstanding school in Bahrain our student body includes children of many different levels and abilities; we firmly believe that every child has the right to an education that is designed to suit their needs. Our motto “Small School – Big Family” perfectly encapsulates our ethos and approach. Children attend the school from Nursery to Year 6 and we have over 70 full time staff and additional support staff mainly from the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, America, and Canada. Our mix of nationalities and cultures makes us a truly international school with respect, tolerance, and appreciation of each other central to our beliefs.
Nadeen School has always had a holistic approach to education. This means that we focus on and develop all aspects of the child and treat each aspect with equal importance. We want our children to grow and develop their emotional, creative, social, imaginative, spiritual and physical sides as well as their academic and intellectual sides. We also instill in our children the importance of finding their own identity, meaning, and purpose in life through connection to their community, the natural world and through encouraging personal and collective responsibility.
We have four buildings on our campus containing classes and designated activity rooms for Library, Dance, Drama, Music, IT, Language Support, Learning Support, Activities, and Gardening. We conduct PE and Sports lessons in the British Club, and use their big indoor sports hall and outdoor tennis courts throughout the year. Our school buildings are surrounded by gardens and three large playgrounds, most covered by UV sun protection shades. We have a large area for tricycles, bikes, water play, and free play, as well as large climbing structures, seating, and quiet areas. We also conduct lessons outside in different outdoor learning spaces and have independent learning and exploration areas for the children to use. During the cooler months we encourage the children and parents to help us in the garden by planting flowers, adding to our compost bin, and taking care of our chickens and ducks. We also have picnics and snack time in the garden when the weather permits.
Admission Process
How to apply for a place at Nadeen School
1. Read this letter and contact the school if you have any questions about our admissions procedure and entry requirements
2. Fill in the application form and send it and the other necessary attachments to admissions@nadeenschool.com
3. Pay the 50BD application fee by either of the following methods.
by cash or cheque:
Application Fee must be paid in full by Bahraini Dinar cash or Bahraini Dinar cheque
drawn from a local Bahraini bank . Cheques for the application fee should be made payable to Nadeen
School and may be handed in at the office during school hours, or sent by mail, addressed to:
Nadeen School, P.O. Box 26367,
by bank transfer
Account No.: 100000377086
IBAN: BH23BBKU00100000377086
Please note: it is imperative that you follow the steps listed below:
o Create transfer using above bank information
o Once you have transferred the amount, please email accounts@nadeenschool.com with a copy of the transfer or with a tracking reference number or similar identifying document/reference so that we can easily track/identify your payment. Should you not receive a receipt within 10 days of sending your payment, email accounts@nadeenschool.com to request further confirmation. Credit and Debit card facilities for payment are not available.
o Note the application fee is non refundable.
4. Your application form will be reviewed within 5 working days of receipt of the application fee. Please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted and application forms will not be reviewed until the application fee has been received.
5. In the event that there is a place immediately available you will be contacted by a member of our Admissions team. If there is no place available, then your child’s application will be placed on to a waiting list (see below
section titled Waiting List)
Attachments required with your application form:
1. Scan of passport information page (with the photo, DOB, etc.)
Updated February 2020
a. IMPORTANT: In the event your child has more than one passport you must submit the passport your child is or will be registered under in Bahrain
2. Print out from or scan of your child’s Bahrain CPR/Smart card
a. IMPORTANT: If a CPR/Smart card is not available then we require a letter from your sponsor stating that the CPR/Smart card is in process
3. Most recent school report
4. Any relevant professional documents pertaining to your child. This may include doctor letters, therapist reports, medical reports
NOTE: If the school discovers non-disclosure of relevant information pertaining to your child the place offer or
place may be withdrawn even after enrollment.
School Fees and Timings
Administration Fees
Type of Fee |
Rule |
Fee |
Application fee |
One time; non refundable |
BD 50 |
Place Holding Fee |
One time; non refundable |
BD 100 |
Assessment fee |
One time; non refundable |
BD 50 |
CAT-4 assessment |
if required; pre- or post-enrolment; non-refundable |
BD 25 |
WRIT and WIAT 3-UK-T assessment |
if required; pre- or post-enrolment; non-refundable |
BD 100 |
Class and Fee Structure
Class and Age by 31st August |
Class Times* |
Current Term Fees for 2020 - 2021 (paid 3 times in one year, in advance per term) |
Nursery (3 - 4 yrs) |
8.00am - 12.45pm: EYFS/Pre-School |
BD 872 |
Reception (4 - 5 yrs) |
8.00am - 1.15pm: EYFS/Primary |
BD 1010 |
Year 1 (5 - 6 yrs) |
8.00am - 2.00pm: Primary |
BD 1136 |
Year 2 (6 - 7 yrs) |
8.00am - 2.00pm: Primary |
BD 1136 |
Year 3 - 6 (7 - 11 yrs) |
8.00am - 2.00pm: Primary |
BD 1136 |
Learning Support - Intermediate |
BD 174 |
Learning Support - Intensive |
BD 435 |
Learning Support - Intensive Plus |
BD 600 |
School Year 2020 Sept -2021 Sept
Year Group |
Age of Child in year group |
Date of Birth between |
Nursery |
3 turning 4 |
1 Sep 2016 - 31 Aug 2017 |
Reception |
4 turning 5 |
1 Sep 2015 - 31 Aug 2016 |
Year 1 |
5 turning 6 |
1 Sep 2014 - 31 Aug 2015 |
Year 2 |
6 turning 7 |
1 Sep 2013 - 31 Aug 2014 |
Year 3 |
7 turning 8 |
1 Sep 2012 - 31 Aug 2013 |
Year 4 |
8 turning 9 |
1 Sep 2011 - 31 Aug 2012 |
Year 5 |
9 turning 10 |
1 Sep 2010 - 31 Aug 2011 |
Year 6 |
10 turning 11 |
1 Sep 2009 - 31 Aug 2010 |
Nadeen School uniform is available for purchase from House of Uniforms, located at Tala Plaza, a 5-minute drive from the school. The PTA also run a Second-Hand Uniform facility and arrange a set day and time per month to run their sales.
- Nursery-Year 2 uniform is the same; Junior/KS2 (Year 3 Year 6) is the same PE/Sports uniform is the same for all age groups
- SHOES: Children are expected to wear “proper shoes” – not slip-on shoes, Crocs, shoes with heels, boots, or other unsuitable footwear. Please note that children are permitted to wear sandals without socks on the proviso that the sandals are well-fitting.
- BAGS: Reception, Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 children require the school bag and Year 4, Year 5, and Year 6 require the school rucksack available from House of Uniforms. Children who attend Arabic classes must purchase a separate bag from HOU which is red. Children may bring the standard-size lunchbox of their choice (Nursery require a small lunch bag only).
- JEWELLERY: No jewellery may be worn in school aside from small metal stud earrings for those with pierced ears. Necklaces, bracelets, rings and other jewellery may not be worn
- HAIR: Girls’ hair should be tied back from the face. Excessive hair clips and hair adornments are not permitted, except on party days
- As per school policy, the school does not become involved with transport issues and all transport to and from school is the sole responsibility of the parents.
- Parents must inform the school if their child comes to school with a private driver/nanny. Please supply the school with the driver/nanny name and telephone number on the contact form.
- Parents must inform the office if their child comes to and from school via a bus company. Please supply the school with the driver name and telephone number, the area they are being collected from and whether they use the bus in the morning and at lunchtime, and on what days. In addition, it is the responsibility of the parents to inform the bus company of changes in time, pick-up details and schedules. Please note that children will NOT be sent home on the bus unless the school office and class teacher have been notified.

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